




Riches Consulting

Services offered

  • Coordination of Supports
How can Riches Consulting support you?
We will support you to:
Make the most out of your NDIS Plan
Understand your NDIS Plan & goals
Understand what supports and services are funded by the NDIS
Provide you with information about what supports and services are available
Negotiate Services and pricing to develop your budget that last for the life of your plan
Empower you to access and coordinate supports identified in your plan
Link you in your community
Develop your capacity to confidently manage your NDIS plan over time.
What to expect from Riches Consulting
A commitment to listening to what you want and need
A quality person-centred approach
Communication that is honest, open and reliable
An understanding of how the NDIS works
A commitment to helping make tour plan work.

Download our guide to working with NDIS providers