


70 Light Square, Adelaide, 15 Alexander Kelly Drive, Noarlunga Centre, 2/57 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth


[email protected]


08 8217 7600

Brain Injury SA

Services offered

  • Allied Health
  • Finding and Keeping a Job
  • Home Modifications and Specialised Disability
  • Increased Social and Community Participation

Brain Injury SA is a dynamic organisation that empowers adults living with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). We are recognised and funded as the peak body in South Australia for people with an ABI and those who care for them. We deliver specialist services and supports for individuals with an ABI as an interdisciplinary team across Adelaide. Our client’s are at the centre of everything we do, with all our services person-driven to meet the goals that are important to them.

Our programs are run by a team of highly qualified and experienced allied health professionals including psychologists, physiotherapists, counsellors, occupational therapists and speech therapists and are supported by allied health assistants.

Our ultimate goal is to see that ABI will never be a barrier, and to enable people to embrace life after brain injury.

Brochures and other helpful materials

Download our guide to working with NDIS providers