


6 Plymouth St Bentleigh East


[email protected]



Brand Counselling Services

Services offered

  • Allied Health
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Health and Well-being
  • Improved Learning
My counselling approach.
Being a person-centered therapist, my aim is to help my clients clarify their goals and what is important to them at the time of treatment.
My focus is on building good, candid relationships with my clients, trying to be as genuine and as transparent as possible, showing them empathy and unconditional positive regard.
“The relationship between the therapist and the client is the best predictor of treatment outcome” (Egan, 2007, p. 17)
Each individual innately strives towards self actualization. You would prefer be healthy rather than sick, and will prefer to move forward and improve your life.
People learn to change their thinking more readily if the rationale for change comes from their own insights rather than from the therapist.
For example is a child’s choice to learn to walk and although he falls for an extended time, he still keeps on trying and doesn’t give up.
Our journey will use tools based on Rogers’ Person Centre Therapy and other theories and techniques if relevant for a specific client’s needs
(such as the “empty chair” technique, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Gestalt )
I always keep an open mind to different approaches in order to help my clients achieve the best outcomes possible.

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