


PO Box 853, Murray Bridge, S.A, 5253


[email protected]



Bridging Capacity

Services offered

  • Coordination of Supports

Bridging Capacity was born out of a vision to create a supportive space where individuals can overcome challenges, build meaningful connections, and reclaim control over their lives. Our founder, a seasoned expert in both NDIS support coordination and psychosocial recovery coaching, envisioned a holistic approach that goes beyond conventional services. We believe that every person has the capacity for growth and that the right support can unlock incredible potential.Bridging Capacity was born out of a vision to create a supportive space where individuals can overcome challenges, build meaningful connections, and reclaim control over their lives. Our founder, a seasoned expert in both NDIS support coordination and psychosocial recovery coaching, envisioned a holistic approach that goes beyond conventional services. We believe that every person has the capacity for growth and that the right support can unlock incredible potential.

Download our guide to working with NDIS providers