


1/51 Parer Road, Airport West


[email protected]


0401 051 914

Building Blocks Life Coaching

Services offered

  • Core – Assistance with Daily Life
  • Core – Assistance with Social & Community Participation
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Improved Learning
  • Improved Relationships
  • Increased Social and Community Participation

Building Blocks Life Coaching

Building Blocks Life Coaching believes in the importance of opportunity. The neuro-typical & able-bodied often have the opportunity to a visit the shops, watch a film at the movies, attend a concert, play at the park… the list goes on. ‘Opportunity’ is an interesting concept for those of us living without disabilities – it can be easy to take many of these simple occasions for granted, not realising the profound power they hold. This benefit isn’t merely in the enjoyment of these activities, but also through the development of behaviours and skills. The in-opportunity for inclusion in these pastimes can create a never ending cycle in which skill deficiency or challenging behaviours leads to less engagement in growth events and the gap widens.



“Our aim is to create a strong foundation to help those living with disabilities reach developmental milestones & achieve their utmost quality of life. To bolster a durable structure with their families & support networks and create framework to achieve widespread success. To accomplish these aims with first class services for everyone we encounter”


ABA Therapy

Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) Therapy – the most requested service by our clients.

ABA Therapy is a discipline within the field of Psychology. With it’s origins tracing back to the early half of the 21st century in the USA, ABA Therapy has spread across the globe to Australia. Over the decades ABA has developed, improved and split into many differing delivery methods.

BBLC provides Melbourne’s best ABA Therapy programs designed for your loved one. With approaches taken from Verbal Behaviour (VB), Discreet Trial Teaching (DTT), Positive Behaviour Support (PBS), Pivotal Response Training (PRT), Functional Communication Training (FCT) and more…


Sometimes, things in life come easily and other times, a little extra support is needed to fill in the gaps. Here at BBLC, we offer Disability Mentoring to pick up some of those missed pieces.
Do you need help managing daily living tasks? Maybe ongoing helpful chats about difficult social questions? Perhaps assistance in school with making great choices? Maybe you need coaching on appropriate behaviour in the community?

Whatever Disability Mentoring is required, our friendly and experienced staff offer helpful pointers to continue down life’s pathway of success.

Community Access

A cornerstone of the Building Block Method is the importance of practicing the skills we learn in sessions in the real world. Where better to start than the communities we live in.
We hold a strong belief in the ability to provide quality access to social and community activities.
Community access and engagement is always a key goal to strive toward. After all, the ability to enjoy events in the community is paramount to being a part of our communities. We are here to build and generalise life-skills, and have fun doing it!

In-Home Care

It’s difficult to providing 24/7 care for a loved one and yet, somehow taking time to look after ourselves can be just as tough. Both are important and that’s where BBLC comes in.
Our caring staff provide the peace of mind while you have time away from home, safe with the knowledge that your loved one is being taken care of.
Whether it’s ‘Me time’ at the hairdressers, a break while you’re cleaning out the closet or an uninterrupted trip to the grocery store, BBLC takes the worry about of your day with extra disability support in the house.

Download our guide to working with NDIS providers