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+61 448 067 978

Ducks in a Row Home Organising

Services offered

  • Core – Assistance with Daily Life

We have a talented team of home organisers helping people living in Melbourne/Naarm get their ducks in a row by creating functional homes with simple systems anyone can follow. We love helping busy people get their homes neater, less stressful and give them more time to do what they really care about.

Ducks in a row prides itself in providing a professional service that not only compassionately listens to your client’s needs, but also works with the client’s challenges to establish organisation solutions and systems that work for their specific needs. This service not only helps transform spaces into cleaner and neater areas, but it also helps create a functional space with easy-to-follow organisation systems. These organisation systems allow client’s quicker and easier access to items, which helps improve their daily routines, giving them more control over their space and life.

We offer:

  • Home Organising & Decluttering
    • An initial consultation followed by in-home sessions to help you transform rooms that need a fresh set of eyes and a major does of organisation therapy. By using simple methods and functional results, we create simple, easy-to-follow organisation systems that work for you and your family.
  • Shopping Service
    • Product research and recommendations to meet your style and budget. We take care of shopping and styling for you if you’re planning to add new products to your space but are not sure where to start.
  • Moving House & Relocation Assistance
    • An initial consultation, pre move decluttering and/or unpacking, organising & styling post move.
  • Virtual Organising
    • Your Virtual Home Organiser will not only keep you accountable for achieving your organising goals, they will also put together a detailed shopping list & product plan in line with your style and budget.

Brochures and other helpful materials

Download our guide to working with NDIS providers