


Wolverhampton St, Footscray


[email protected]


0475 403 722

Found Objects Creative Therapies

Services offered

  • Allied Health
  • Health and Well-being
  • Increased Social and Community Participation

We are a Creative Arts Therapy business based in Melbourne, with experience supporting individuals facing mental health challenges, addiction recovery, aged care, paediatrics, and people with ASD/ADHD/IL/PDA/ dementia in both community and clinical settings. Our passion lies in engaging with people, their unique stories, and their diverse experiences, fostering a spirit of curiosity within the therapeutic space.

Our primary goal is to cultivate a non-judgmental, person-centered environment that embraces a multi-modal approach to therapy. We take into account each participant’s individual aspirations, including their personal and NDIS goals, to offer tailored support.

Our therapist hold a Masters of Therapeutic Arts Practice from MIECAT and are registered members of ANZACATA, the professional body representing arts therapists across Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia-Pacific region.

Some of the benefits of creative arts therapy include:

  • Person-Centred Approach: Art therapy can be tailored to the individual’s preferences, abilities, and interests. This personalised approach makes the therapy more effective and enjoyable.

  • Communication and Expression: Art therapy provides an alternative form of communication for individuals who may struggle with verbal expression. Creating art allows them to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a visual and tangible way.

  • Stimulation and Engagement: Engaging in art activities stimulates various areas of the brain, promoting cognitive function and neural connections. This can help provide mental stimulation.

  • Emotional Regulation: Sometimes things can be frustrating, confusing, and emotionally distressing. Art therapy offers a safe space for individuals to express and process these emotions, reducing feelings of anxiety and agitation.

  • Identity: Art allows individuals to tap into their memories and past experiences, preserving their sense of identity and self. Creating art related to their personal history can evoke positive memories and boost self-esteem.

  • Behavioural Regulation: Engaging in art activities has been linked to a reduction in challenging behaviours such as aggression and wandering. It can be a constructive way to channel excess energy and emotions.

  • Motor Skills, Strength and Coordination: Creating art often involves fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Regular engagement in these activities can help maintain or improve motor skills for a longer period.

We currently have availability to one on one in studio or outreach.  If you’d like to have a chat for further information about how I could support you, please reach out via phone or email.

Download our guide to working with NDIS providers