


14 Smithfield Road, Smithfield NSW 2164 Australia


[email protected]


02 8740 8963

Gilani Engineering

Services offered

  • Assistive Technology
  • Core – Consumables
  • Home Modifications and Specialised Disability

Gilani Engineering is a Sydney mobility aids specialist company supplier that provides high-quality disability tools for people all around Australia. We perform wheelchair accessible car and van conversions, dual control and disability pedal vehicle modifications across the Sydney area. Gilani Engineering provides top-quality mobility scooters, electric wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs and assistive aids all over Australia.

Gilani Engineering offers a wide range of products and services specifically catering to the needs of differently-abled people. We have a complete A-Z service policy, starting with the assessment of eligibility and suitability for compliance with the Australian Design Rules for Motor Vehicles (ADRs). We undertake testing of these vehicles and their components for compliance with the ADRs (for new vehicles) and the determinations (For used vehicles). We provide a design service for components and systems to be used in the modification of these vehicles to enable them to comply. 

Gilani Engineering is also able to approve alterations and modifications to motor vehicles according to NSW Road Traffic Authority guidelines introduced by State Government. These approvals range from the simple such as the fitting of aftermarket seats through to body, chassis, suspension and engine/transmission modifications. 

We are able to do in-house testing and reports on vehicles and components for compliance with both State legislation. Typical tests conducted include Beaming and Torsional Testing of vehicle chassis for wheelbase and/or body changes, Brake System Testing, Noise Testing, Side Intrusion Bar Testing, Seat and Seat Anchorage Strength Testing, Seat Belt Anchorage and Child Restraint Anchorage Strength Testing. 

“There is always a better solution! Improve simply by asking the right questions and add a pinch of “outside the box” thinking” 

Download our guide to working with NDIS providers