


15 Passage Way Mandurah


[email protected]



Limitless Community Services

Services offered

  • Core – Assistance with Daily Life
  • Core – Assistance with Social & Community Participation
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Finding and Keeping a Job
  • Improved Learning
  • Improved Living Arrangements
  • Increased Social and Community Participation

Here’s a little About Us

Limitless Community Services is a dedicated and innovative service provider who believes on focusing on people’s abilities. We are an all-inclusive provider. That works with participants and their support networks to develop individual plans that focus on their long-term goals and aspirations. We believe that anybody can achieve anything with the right supports in place. If you have the self-belief and determination, we have the support staff who are both flexible and innovative in the way they can deliver support to you. It really is support, done your way.


Limitless Community Services has experienced staff who have both lived experience, and industry experience. We have a nice balance between understanding the needs surrounding and overcoming diversity and challenges, due to lived experience, as well as having the experience and knowledge to be able to cater to the NDIS world that we live in. This allows us to be able deliver support that can help you achieve their long-term goals.


Little message from of Director


Hi, my name is Rochelle Downs, and I wanted to share a little bit about why I started Limitless. I myself do not have a disability, however I was diagnosed with renal failure when I was eight years old. My entire life people have imposed their own limitations and thoughts on what my life may look like for me. I have not only fought against my illness all my life, but I have fought against the thoughts and feelings of those around me, as to what they thought I could be achieve or have in my life.


I have an amazing life; I do a job that I’m super passionate about and I have an amazing family with lots of adventures had along the way. I feel truly blessed to have always listened to my inner voice and not to listen to the voice of others. I believe in myself, and I believe that I can achieve anything. I have dedicated my working career for the last ten years to the disability industry, I have worked in various roles throughout that time. Giving me a wealth of experience.


This is my absolute passion, when you enjoy what you do, you’ll never work a day in the life. I started Limitless Community Services, because I believe that there isn’t a model out there where one size fits all. I’m passionate about real life stories and supporting people to achieve their hopes and dreams.


If Limitless Community Services can help facilitate that for just one person, that would make me incredibly proud. I really look forward to hearing everybody’s stories and making a meaningful impact together. When you believe in yourself life, truly becomes limitless with possibilities Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and I can’t wait to hear yours soon.


Mission Statement


Our purpose at Limitless Community Services is to support people of all abilities, to strengthen their ongoing connections, and to build a life that is both empowered and fulfilled. We do this by sharing innovative ideas and working in collaboration with participants, their family members, and people within the community service industry.

“When you believe life becomes Limitless”


Commitment: We are committed to delivering quality services. For both participants and their families. This allows our participants to concentrate on their goals and aspirations.


Culture: To always create an atmosphere that is both encouraging and supportive. This is driven by social inclusion and understanding.


Excellence: Requires dedication and commitment. We will always strive to be leaders of social change. And pride ourselves on delivering person centred services.


Collaboration: Together we are strong, we aim to align ourselves with people who are like-minded and seek out social change.



Services we provide:


Core supports.

  • Assistance with Self-Care Activities

These support items provide a participant with assistance with, or supervision of, personal tasks of daily life and to develop skills of the participant to live as autonomously as possible.


  • Assistance with Personal Domestic Activities

This support item assists a participant to undertake or develop skills to maintain their home environment where the participant owns their own home or has sole or substantial responsibility for its maintenance. Includes assisting participant to do basic house and yard work.


  • Assistance to Access Community, Social and Recreational Activities

This support category relates to assisting with or supervising a participant to engage in community, social, recreational, or economic activities. These supports can be provided in a range of environments, such as in the community or a centre.


  • Individualised Living Options- exploration and design tasks

This support item will help participants explore the Individualised Living Options paradigm and design an option suitable for themselves. Providers delivering this support item will:

  • Explore the vision of the participant for their future home and help all involved to understand the full range of options as to how a participant can be supported in the community.
  • Gain an understanding of a participant’s strengths, with a focus on what they can do, and an understanding of how informal, formal and community supports will play a role in the participant’s life and build on this to design the individual support package.
  • Identify strategies to help the participant choose where to live, who to live with and how they are supported.
  • Find out what is possible and assess risks in the context of the participant’s preferred way of living, and explore if there could be other options that might suit better; and
  • Design and make decisions with the participant and others about the options.


  • Transport and Transport Training within the Community

This support item allows a participant to pay a provider to transport them to an activity that is not itself a support – or to a support that is delivered by another provider. This enables the participant to travel to and from appointments or their place of work.


Capacity building supports


  • Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

These support items provide assistance for participants to build capacity and resilience through strong and respectful relationships to support people with psychosocial disability to live a full and contributing life. This support is designed to be able to maintain engagement through periods of increased support needs due to the episodic nature of mental illness. Recovery coaches work collaboratively with participants, families, carers, and other services to identify, plan, design and coordinate NDIS supports.


  • Assistance with Accommodation and Tenancy Obligations

This support item is to guide, prompt, or undertake activities to ensure the participant obtains or retains appropriate accommodation. This may include assisting to apply for a rental tenancy or to undertake tenancy obligations in line with the participant’s tenancy agreement.



  • Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports (Increased Social and Community Participation

This support item, which includes mentoring, peer-support, and individual skill development, is designed to establish volunteer assistance within the participant’s home or community to develop skills. For instance, assistance in attending appointments, shopping, bill paying, taking part in social activities, and maintaining contact with others.


  • Development of Daily living and Life Skills

This support item provides individual life skills development and training including public transport training and support, developing skills for community, social and recreational participation. It also provides training for participants in groups to increase their independence in daily personal activities.

Brochures and other helpful materials

Download our guide to working with NDIS providers