


3 Astoria Road, Wollert, Vic 3750


[email protected]




Services offered

  • Coordination of Supports
  • Core – Assistance with Daily Life
  • Core – Assistance with Social & Community Participation
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Improved Relationships
  • Increased Social and Community Participation

-Assistance with household tasks – such as meal preparation and delivery, house or yard maintenance, cleaning and laundry;
-Assistance with daily personal activities to enable people to live as autonomously as possible – such as personal hygiene, dressing, medication assistance; financial management, communication skills and lifestyle mentoring;
-Assistance with daily personal activities (High-Intensity)
-Assistance with daily tasks in a group or shared living arrangements to help individuals to live as autonomously as possible;
-Assistance with life stage transitions, including mentoring, peer support, individual skill development.
-Assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education
-Assistance with travel and transport – provision of travel arrangements and support for people to access essential services;
Community Nursing Care – this includes providing specialist care in the home for those who require a higher level of care and attention;
-Development of Daily Living and Life Skills – including developmental-focused activities and training to enhance the person’s capacity to live as independent an everyday life as possible;
-Innovative Community Participation – includes activities outside the scope of ‘Participation in the Community;
-Participation in the community – including supported shopping, medical appointments, sporting and recreational events, social activities, visiting or making new friends, travel and transport and building confidence and social skills;
-Implement Specialised Behaviour Support Plans,
-Support Coordination – time-limited support that focuses on addressing barriers and reducing complexity in the support environment while assisting the person in connecting with supports and building capacity and resilience.
-In home Nursing support. Tracheostomy care, Bowel care, Catheter management, Tracheostomy care

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