




Paws on Film Animal Assisted Therapy

Services offered

  • Allied Health

Paws on Film is located in Sunbury, Victoria and provides two different services – Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) and Occupational Therapy (OT).

Paws on Film started as a business to provide trained animal talent for some of Australia’s largest films, TV series, and commercials. Our animals are also used for Occupational Therapy and Animal Assisted Activities for Self-Managed and Plan Managed NDIS participants. At Paws on film, our vision is to deliver services to the community focusing on the needs of people with a disability and their families.

All sessions are run on the Paws on Film premises in Sunbury and use a range of highly trained animals to support skill building, motivation, and engagement in therapy. Animal interactions have been proven to positively impact mental and physical wellbeing which enables clients and the allied health professional to practice skills in a safe and supportive environment. Animals provide immediate external feedback based on our actions which in combination with strategies from the allied health professional supports the development of empathy, social skills, awareness, self-regulation, concentration, and communication in line with client goals. This will look different for every client and will depend on your individual goals. 

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