Building 7 / 107 Miles Platting Road, Eight Mile Plains
0428 453 634
Possum Support Services
Services offered
- Coordination of Supports
- Core – Assistance with Daily Life
- Core – Assistance with Social & Community Participation
“Connecting people living with a disability to services that make a difference.”
We aim to make the connection between the participant and the support worker stress-free by drawing up paperwork for the participant and making sure the support worker is compliant with the NDIS. We will meet the participant at our office or place of their choosing to discuss with the participant what they are looking for in a support worker and how they would like their supports delivered. We prefer to build teams around the participant so that if their support worker is unavailable, there will be another support worker with whom the participant is familiar to support them.
Support workers are interviewed and matched to the participant. Vanessa and / or Renee will be there for the first meet and greet between the participant and the support worker.
Possum Support Services works within the NDIS price guide however this is negotiable with the participant depending on their funding.
Our services:
- assist self care
- community access
- support coordination