


6/20 Duerdin Street, Clayton, Vic 3168


[email protected]


03 9001 5805

SDA Consulting Australia

Services offered

  • Home Modifications and Specialised Disability

SDA Consulting Australia will help you navigate the market when it comes to developing Specialist Disability Accommodation or SDA. The team at SDA Consulting are experienced consultants who have extensive knowledge of building practices and human-centred design with a particular interest in disability access.

We understand how the NDIS and SDA work and we’ll take you through the assessment and registration process and help you understand your options to choose the right SDA for your needs. We can work both independently or as part of a client’s project team and our consulting services can be delivered nationwide to both metropolitan and regional areas.

SDA Consulting is an NDIS registered specialist disability accommodation provider and can act on the property owners’ behalf to manage their investment by reducing paperwork, costs and ongoing compliance as required by NDIA / NDIS.


Download our guide to working with NDIS providers