


[email protected]


1300 346 052

NNA Direct Support Service

Services offered

  • Core – Assistance with Daily Life
  • Core – Assistance with Social & Community Participation
  • Daily Living Skills

NNA DSS or Network Nursing Agency Direct Support Service have been operating for over 20 years, we are a registered NDIS service provider. We have registered nurses and qualified support workers throughout Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia.

Our services include:

  • Assist with Personal Activities
  • Community Access & Participation
  • Household Task Assistance
  • Assist with Daily Tasks
  • Nursing Supports
  • Concierge Support

What really matters to us, is to build a model of support that not only suits participants requirements, but also their interests and personalities. We have learned from past feedback, and we now tailor a person-centred approach and recruit specially for the person’s needs and interests.

We believe that our internal structures ensure the correct management support is available to both participants and their stake holders. We have two Care Coordinators who are the primary contact for participants and their support networks, we have discovered this provides a personable approach to support and has been well received. Our Manager of Nursing Supports provides clinical oversites for all participants and education to staff when required. This allows our staff to be upskilled as and when required so participants do not need to change their support workers. Please review the attached to familiarise yourself with our services.

Brochures and other helpful materials

Download our guide to working with NDIS providers